ASI Vegas-Lag

ASI Vegas-lag is kind of like jet lag, only worse. Not only are you tired and unsure of what time it really is, you start to see promotional items every time you close your eyes (maybe some of you live this way already). Admittedly, I’m a couple of days out from the show, but I still feel like I’m recovering. The 10:40 red-eye flight back to Philly didn’t help (the whole time cursing the people who just took Tylenol PM and slept the entire flight—you know who you are).

I was wondering what others thought of the show. I think the shows are a little different for me than most distributors. As an editor, my main goal is to meet people and discover new products to showcase in the magazine or online. I have the luxury of coming in with no preset notions of what I must see or a certain type of product I must find. Not to mention I’m not worried about price points and other little details like that. All in all, it seemed a little bit slow, which might be the reason ASI said it is moving it to the Fall next year.

Being that I end up interacting more with people on the suppliers’ side, I was just wondering if any distributors had an opinion on it. Or, an opinion on the fact that the show is being moved to the fall next year. Love to hear what people think.

Notable booths and products I liked (for whatever reason):

Wine Appreciation Guild

Frogger Golf

TTALF Corporation

Page’s Seeds


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